The EIA Myth: how your equine veterinarian is scamming you! is the latest Kindle book by author, trainer, trader and teacher Don Blazer.
“The dangers of EIA (equine infectious anemia) are a made-up crisis designed to keep cash rolling in year after year by requiring a Coggins test on all horses going to public places or crossing state lines,” Blazer says.
The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) claims EIA is a threat to the world’s horse and donkey population, but offers no facts or figures in support of its assertion. In fact, Blazer says, no representative of the AAEP would even agree to discuss the reported “threat” with him.
Blazer’s newest booklet is available through as a Kindle book at $2.99. To order, go to: and search by the book’s title.
The required “Coggins test”, which produces the scam’s cash, is totally useless as a means of protecting horses and only tells you that the horse did not have EIA at the time blood was drawn. The test is worthless 10 minutes after the blood was drawn, Blazer observes.
But the Coggins test isn’t the horror, Blazer says. The horror is that to keep the scam alive and growing, veterinarians are supporting the slaughter of hearty, happy, useful horses that are of no threat to any horse.
Blazer’s booklet is loaded with facts, figures and reports to show that horses aren’t dying of EIA, but instead are dying from the scam’s euthanasia solution.