It seems when we updated our website a few things are not working correctly. We are working with our web people to correct these issues. If you need to reach us by email please use these email addresses: or Phone Number (419)742-3200 Also, when navigating from page to page on the Calendar section, please hit the … [Read more...] about How to Contact the Horsemen’s Corral…
Refine Your Training With Good Transitions
by Terry Myers A hallmark of the well trained horse is smooth transitions from one gait to another. It’s thrilling to watch a reiner make the change from their fast circle to their slow small circle, making the speed change in one or two strides. There’s the dressage horse that moves into their extended trot with a huge change in reach and speed. … [Read more...] about Refine Your Training With Good Transitions
I Need Help!
by Terry Myers I am continually trying to find ways to improve my skills and knowledge. Over the years I have found horseman that I knew I wanted to learn from and found ways to do that; whether it was learning from my mentor Wayne Allen, riding in an expo clinics with Eric Horgan (Olympic medalist), Al Dunning, or Dale Livingston, or attending a cattle clinic with Richard … [Read more...] about I Need Help!
Ranch Pleasure is Back to Basics
by Terry Myers I thought we would start out the new year talking about Ranch Pleasure and Ranch Riding. We have had questions and inquiries about Ranch Pleasure. I think there are a lot of misconceptions about what these classes are and how to be competitive in these show rings. Ranch Pleasure in AQHA is a pattern class. There are basically five patterns which are in the rule … [Read more...] about Ranch Pleasure is Back to Basics